Berol & Biros' quick arrival guide to Budapest, Hungary
Berol: So where to this weekend Biro?
Biro: To the land of the Magyar, Budapest in Hungary.
Berol shifts in her airline seat and whips out the Lonely Planet Guide to Hungary, after-all, the plane does land in twenty minutes.
Berol: We should take the transfer minibus to our hostel, there's a ticket desk right in the arrival area and it's the cheapest and quickest way
Biro: But which hostel do you think?
Berol: Well, I think we should spend at least one night at Citadella, it is the large, fortress-like building that overlooks both Pest and Buda. It was used to attack the castle of Pest because the cannons on it were higher than the castle, so fire could easily be rained down.
Biro: Lovely dear, but its going to be late by the time we arrive, is there anywhere to eat near-by?
Berol: Hmm, I don't think there are any places outside of Citadella, but there is a restaurant and a cafe inside. You can sit outside and watch the sunset if you like.
Biro: Sounds promising. Pass me the guidebook will you dear.
Dutifully, Berol does so.
Berol: What are you looking up?
Biro: Well, first thing in the morning, I want to be able to cash my travelers cheques and do a bit of shopping before we go sightseeing.
Berol: Well, I liked the sound of going to a spa, I hear they are wonderful. You get to relax in many types of hot and cold pools and saunas. You can have a massage and just relax to you hearts content.
Biro: Sounds lovely. Here we go, the American Express office is n downtown Buda, right in the shopping district. We can get train tickets there as well as cash. It's also easy to get to the castle and the river and everything.
Berol: Sounds lovely.
Biro: Hmmm.
Berol: Hmmm.
The plane makes its final descent with our intrepid duo fully prepared to handle the first few hours in Hungary, what a pair!