Marmite, you either love it, or you hate it. Tickle your tastebuds at :
Office humor or office hell. A one man stand against American cubicle hell.
Rapa Nui / Easter Island primer * ALL NEW *
"In the middle of the Great Ocean, in a region where no one ever passes, there is a mysterious and isolated island..." Pierre Loti, L'Ile de Paques, 1872
 Let me take you on an adventure to the remotest inhabited island, in the world. This is a completely new site, designed to be the ideal primer for anybody interested in the mysterious Easter Island.
Quick take : India
Hot, absolutely totally unbelievably hot. Oh, and humid, did I mention that? No exaggeration, leave the air-conditioning of the airport, you walk through the door and WHAM! It�s like hitting a brick wall and walking into a sauna at the same time.
Quick arrival guide to Hungary
Our intrepid elderly travelers, Berol and Biro, take a trip to Hungary and discover the ins and outs of arriving in the historic city Budapest.
It is impossible to take the quarter of a mile walk through the lowland tropical rainforest that spills you into the middle of the Central Plaza of Tikal without being in awe of the mute imperial glory of the temples.
Travels in Peru
'Until you stop travelling, you can never really say that you have been travelling.', writes Ian Barfield on his first major trip abroad.
Journey to Easter Island
Not to be confused with the Rapa Nui / Easter Island primer, this online journal, details my two week journey and stay on Easter Island.
In search of Vlad the Impaler
One night at the pub, Yvette mentioned she was really into Vampires and had always wanted to visit the castle of Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) in Romania. Two weeks later, a small band of friends were on their way to Romania...
The pitfalls of debt relief
Getting into debt is far easier then hauling yourself out. We are bombarded with commercials to help us out of debt, with offers appearing too good to be true. Is there a catch?
The world stopped to draw breath
This fall Bostonian morning started like any other, walking to the office with a bagel and coffee in hand. The sky was blue, the trees were hinting at change and the summer heat would soon fade. Then, the world changed... A personal view the day of the World Trade Center Attack, September 11th 2001.
This is the personal website of Seamus Waldron.
This website is a part of the APJ domain. Other sites include: |
A Profound Journey
Travel and Technology |
Intel OSX
Mac OS X on Intel (aka MacIntel) |
I hate my cube
Humorous interlude. My one man protest against working in a cubicle |
Boston PDA user group
Premier PDA user group. Information about PDAs and wireless technology. We meet at MIT in Cambridge, MA, USA |
I love marmite
I hate marmite
My homage to Marmite. You either love it, or you hate it |
Walker Mouldings Ltd
If you want replica oak beams for your house or office, have a look here |
Management Issues
Huge online magazine about Management issues in the workplace. Created, maintained and powered by the SedaSoft SiteEngine |
SedaSoft Ltd
The SedaSoft SiteEngine is an incredibly powerfull Content Management System (CMS) and website engine. |
Website created for Lambeth Borough Council, using the SedaSoft SiteEngine, to make publicly available their image archives. (Getty Images, eat your heart out ;-) |
Copyright © 1995 - 2005 Seamus Waldron. All rights reserved. |