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What of Bush's brave new world?

In one presidency, George W. Bush has managed to change the political structure of the world and increase tensions to the point of open warfare. An incredible achievement for this failed oilman from Texas.

Bush started his presidency with the farcical nature of the election which was so crooked to outsiders that it allowed Fidel Castro to offer military troops to enter the USA as a UN force to oversee free and fair elections in the future.

Even before he was elected, I knew Bush was a disaster waiting to happen. Sure enough, within weeks of assuming the mantel of presidency, he had dismissed a Clinton Whitehouse investigation into Al Quieda that concluded immediate steps had to be taken against the organisation. Bush decided to reject this recommendation as it came from Clinton and decided to do all the work again and on September 10th 2001, came to the same conclusion, tragically too late.

Of course, we didn't know this at the time, but we did see the Chinese government test how far it could push Bush by forcing an American spy plane to land after it had infringed into Chinese airspace. What isn't readily realised was that Bush had sacked the American Ambassador to China and hadn't found a replacement.

Bush then pulled out of the peace negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, effectively siding with Israel and unleashing the dogs of war. Tensions have grown to a point that Bush is effectively condoning assassination and condemning Palestinians of being terrorists when they are fighting to remove an occupying power from their land.

As Bush harps on about the war on terror, a nice phrase, which means anything the bully in the playground wants it to mean, he conveniently forgets the history of his own country. By his morals and standards, the likes of Paul Revere and John Adams would be nothing but terrorists and insurgents that were to be hunted down, locked up without trial or assassinated.

Draconian and sweeping changes have been made to US law since September 11th 2001. Laws allowing seizure of electronic information without need for oversight and making it illegal for organisations and individuals forced to turn over this information to even say it has happened.

The notorious DMCA has made it illegal to watch a DVD on a home computer if it is running Linux, a popular alternative to Windows. It has allowed corporations to threaten legal action for companies making unbranded printer cartridges and garage door openers. The DMCA has been used to prevent a website from listing all the bargain prices for stores during holiday seasons and to litigate against children and grandparents for downloading music from the internet. None of this appears to help increase the security of the USA.

Bush does not like the idea that a committed Gay or Lesbian couple should have the same legal rights as a heterosexual couple. In an incredibly misguided step, he wants to introduce an amendment to the Constitution to reduce the rights of the citizens of the USA by banning this so-called Gay Marriage, when the right being removed is a right for a minority to achieve equal rights. Did Martin Luther King die for nothing?

Whilst the USA and UK forces struggle with Iraq, we learn that one of the biggest hurdles to peace is the availability of weapons. On the one hand, Bush wants to remove armaments from the population of Iraq and on the other, fails to establish reasonable gun control laws in his own country. Where the shooting of an American solider in Iraq is headline news, a drive-by shooting in the USA gets little or no coverage.

Bush appears not to understand how he is alienating the disenfranchised, effectively backing them into a corner from which to only course of action appears to be armed struggle. He does not appreciate that within the USA he is creating a large movement of the disenfranchised. The kid on the street that gets sued for downloading music, the Gay or Lesbian couple whose constitutional rights are being reduced, the Muslim groups who perceive their president is allowing the persecution of their religion, whilst promoting Christianity by blurring the distinction between Church and State.

In the run-up to the next election, Bush is trying to make out that he is an American patriot and knows exactly what he is doing, whilst claiming that Kerry is not a true American because he does not agree with Bush's aggressive military policies. The unbelievable tenacity of the man when Kerry did fight for his country and knows only too well the horror of war and the need to make war as a last resort, compared to the man whom the populace accept dodged national service.

The man is bloodthirsty, ignorant of the effect of his actions and entirely without world perspective. History will judge Bush and it will not be kind to him. I judge him today and find him lacking integrity, morality and an entirely distasteful man.

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