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Film and UK Premiere review : Sin City

Can't say I knew what to expect from this film, but I certainly got a feast for the eyes and I'm glad I didn't eat too much before the opening credits. This film, and I quote director Robert Rodriguez, has "Tits, arse, guns, castration, amputation, beheading and lots of fighting".

Set in the mythical city of Sin City, a place that lives and breathes in the head of original creator and co-director Frank Miller, this film noir is based on several of the original Sin City comic book stories and has a perpetual backdrop of a dark, cold, rainy night. Projected in black and white with clever use of colour to highlight aspects the director want you to focus in on, you get an unusual feast for the eyes.

Sin City has WOW apeal. You don't quite know what is going on for the first twenty minutes or so, but it soon starts to make sense. The plot line is less a continuous story, but the overlapping of three stories.

Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke are spot on for their roles and there are a host of smaller parts for the likes of Rutger Hower and Eligah Wood.

This is a good film, moments make you laugh, moments make your stomach churn, but overall all you fell you have seen a good movie, though you don't quite know why�.

I give this film a stomach churning 9/10.

So, let me tell you about the UK premiere

An early arrival turned out to be a good move as I shared the red carpet with Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, etc. Infact, most of the celebs. The fans crowded against the barriers were getting their moneys worth as all the stars were signing autographs and having their photographs taken.

Walking into an almost empty cinema, the live telcast of the red carpet was just under way and was interspersed with cutaways of the stars and directors talking about the film. Much to everyones deight, there was a little "something" waiting for every member of the audience. A bag of popcorn, bottle of water and.....a crime scene report. Cool.

Progressively the stars turned up to watch the film and at the very last moment, Madonna turned up. Of course, I just happened to be in the foyer at this moment and had a coughing fit so completely missed Madonna walking past, though as I turned to re-enter the cinema I did get to foller her in.

Before an expectant audience, Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller had a chat and told us about the making of the film, mainly that Robert had to hunt, track down and pester Frank for a very long time before Frank agreed to a meeting. Up until this point, Frank had turned down every offer to make the movie version of Sin City. Robert arrrived with a concept video and the rest was history, especially as Frank was offered the chance of being co-director.

Finally, the stars were introduced and we met Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba and the lot of them. Bruce Willis was absent, but what the heck, you can;t have everything ;-)

Jessica Alba
Clive Owen
Rosario Dawson
Bruce Willis
Brittany Murphy
Benicio del Toro

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