Garden present

Garden Design Gift Package for Christmas

Every year it is a pain to find a present for my parents wedding anniversary, but this year I struck gold. My parents love gardening and have been talking about a makeover for the garden, so I decided to give them a helping hand, not with blood sweat and tears (I know nothing about gardening), but with a garden design gift package from

Example garden design plan

The Garden Planning Company offer unique
postal garden design gift packages.

I met the owener, Neil, at a seminar a few months ago and kept his business card. Normally, the card languishes in my whallet for a while before being emptied into the bin, but right from the outset, I knew that this was a card I should keep hold of. Sure enough, this gift package of a garden design by post get's launched at only £100 (actually £99, but who's counting ;-) and bingo, I knew that it would be great for my parents.

Placing an order for the design package

At first, I thought I would wait until Christmas, but my parents anniversary was coming up (it was a big one - Silver), so I got my act together and placed an order via the website.

The garden design consultation pack arrived within a week. The package came boxed with a personalised gift certificate, a hand tool and a consultation information booklet.

As I mentioned, all this only cost me £99. I must stress that you pay a bit more for bigger gardens, but my parents garden fell into the "up to 500m sq" category.

I emailed to Neil asking why the service was so cheap as I guess you would probably pay at least £400 for a conventional garden design service. Apparently, by getting us (the punter) to fill out a questionnaire and to survey our own garden (there is information provided to help you through the process), it keeps the service affordable.

I gave the pack to my parents for their anniversary and they were estatic (I mean it, their other presents were rubbish by comparrason :-). They found the garden survey and questionnaire simple to complete. Once completed they sent them back to the designer at The Garden Planning Company.

Less than four weeks later, they received their design plans. I had a look at them and thought they were good, my parents, knowing way more than me actually used the word "impressive". They were very impressed with the quality, the individuality and attention to detail of the design scheme that they had received. The designer had come up with some really clever design solutions that my mum said she would never have thought of.

They have decided to build the garden themselves, being keen gardeners and started a few weeks ago with the bulbs and stuff (I'm out of my depth here) and will follow the plans provided through the build of the new garden.

All in all, a great present and many brownie points for me :-)

I cannot reccommend this highly enough, if you are looking for a unique Chrsitmas present or birthday present (even Silver wedding anniversary ;-) why not give the gift or a garden a try? For more information visit