
apj home > diary > Yahoo! needs to eat its' own SPAM sandwich

Yahoo! needs to eat its' own SPAM sandwich

In a public spirited way, Yahoo! is trying to make us all aware or SPAM by creating the "Yahoo! Global Anti-Spam Day". It's actually a really good idea, but...

...Unfortunately, they need a dose of their own medicine.

Pontificating in their Press release that "Yahoo! Mail fights the Spam blight by hitting spammers hard with litigation and having the very best technology tools coupled with a basic understanding of how they can personally [my emphasis] stop the perpetuation of spam."

The press release continues.... "only 46% [of British PC users] are aware that computers get viruses by opening attachments, while only 17% know that you can get a virus by downloading a file online".

Ironically, you can only get the Press release by downloading a document, primarily a Word doc or a ZIP file. They do have .PDF, which would be better than the rest, but what's wrong with good ol' HTML?

It doesn't take a genius to realise that Yahoo! had better take it's own advice, eat humble pie (or should I say humble Spam sandwich) and sort out their own practises before telling us how to sort our own.

apj home > diary > Yahoo! needs to eat its' own SPAM sandwich

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