Easter Island

Easter Island

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a small triangular multi - volcanoed mound, roughly 14 miles long by seven miles wide. In total, Easter Island is only 69 square miles. Easter Island lies 2,400 miles West of the coast of Chile and 2,500 miles East of Tahiti. Easter Islands' closest human neighbors are 1,400 miles to the West on Pitcairn Island. The 2500 permanent inhabitants of Easter Island have the honor of being the remotest population on the planet.

This website tries to answer the many questions and thoughts inspired by the history of Easter Island. Split into two main sections, the first tries to be an historically accurate text, whilst the second part is a collection of my personal thoughts and impressions.

Whilst I have tried to be historically accurate, I realise that errors can creep in. I welcome constructive criticism of my personal views and of the objective overview of Easter Island that precedes it so that I can work towards making this an informed and inspiring document.

Easter Island Statue
Moto Nui & Moto Iti
Easter Island Statue
Unfinished Moa
on Rano Rarakui
Easter Island quarry
Rano Raraku
statue quarries
Easter Island Statue
Ahu Vai Uri
Easter Island Statue
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