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information sourced from Daniel Basterfield

PS2.EXE is the configuration program for the PC110. Whereas EasySetup (the BIOS configuration) concerns itself with just hardware devices, PS2 covers this plus power management and other small configuration details.

Full screen vs. command line

PS2 can run in two modes:

• Full screen - requires double-byte character set support (known to most as 'Japanese DOS'!).
• command line - no double-byte character set requirement; gives output in English (provided you have selected a non-Japanese codepage)

Most non-Japanese users will find the command line version to be the most useful!

For the full information, please go to Dan's page at http://members.aol.com/dbasterf/ps2.htm

PS2 Commands

Command Option Description
? none Displays the syntax for basic PS2 commands.
Help none Displays the syntax for basic PS2 commands.
PMode High or
Medium or

Provides simple control of the power management when running from batteries. High, Medium, and Low refer to preset combinations of values for POwer, LCd, and SPeed.

Note that when running from mains power, High is the assumed setting.

POwer x
where x is 0-99 minutes

Controls the time to wait whilst the PC110 is idle before entering standby mode.

Setting POwer to a value of zero disables this feature.

LCd x
where x is 0-17 minutes

Controls the time to wait whilst the PC110 is idle before turning off the screen backlight. Note that the display is still active; without the backlight it is very hard to read.

Setting LCd to a value of zero disables this feature.


Resets the settings controlled by the basic PS2 commands to factory defaults.

Cover switch Enable or Disable

Controls the effect of closing the PC110's cover (lid, screen, call it what you will). If set to Enable, closing the cover puts the PC110 into standby mode; if set to Disable it will have no effect.

Be careful if you disable this feature. I did this on my machine, then forgot and just closed the cover and walked away from it whilst it was on mains power. I came back to find a very warm PC110! The screen backlight had been on all the time, since the system did not enter standby mode, and it could only dissipate its heat through the keyboard.


AT yyyy-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
AT HH:mm:ss

• yyyy=1995-2099
• MM=01-12
• DD=01-31
• HH=00-23
• MM=00-59
• ss=00-59

Sets a time and date, or just time, at which the PC110 will turn itself on (and boot off whatever devices are visible!). This is a single setting, but if you omit the date, then the PC110 will switch on at the specified time each day. So yes, you can use a PC110 as a power-managed alarm clock!

Clear disables this feature.

RI Enable or

Controls the PC110's response if it is in standby and a phone call is received. If set to Enable, the PC110 will resume from standby mode; if set to Disable, the call will be ignored.

Note that for anything to happen when this is enabled, the PC110 must come out of standby mode with a program running that is ready to accept and handle the incoming call - this would allow you to set the machine up to be an answering machine, or fax machine, depending on that software's capabilities. Also, remember that if this function is disabled, and you are near the PC110 when it rings, you can still pick up calls by flicking the microphone switch across even if the machine is in standby.

SCreen LCD or CRT

Selects which display device to use. CRT is only accepted if there is an external monitor attached and powered on when the command is issued.

Equivalent to pressing .

VEXPansion ON or OFF

Enables or disables the vertical expansion feature. Some DOS text modes, notably 80x25, use a resolution of 640x400. Vertical expansion doubles-up some of the rows of pixels so that the LCD panel is filled by such a display. Note that output from old EGA (640x350) programs will still not quite fill the screen even with expansion on. This seting only affects the LCD panel.

Equivalent to pressing .

IRQAUdio 5 or 10 or Disable

Selects the interrupt to be used by the ESS488 Audiodrive. Disable will disable the audio device.

DMAAUdio 1 or 3

Selects the DMA channel to be used by the ESS488 Audiodrive.

IRQINKing 5 or 10 or Disable

Selects the interrupt to be used by the touch pad. Disable will disable the touch pad.

ADDINKing 15E0 or 25E0 or 35E0

Selects the I/O address to be used by the touch pad.

IR 1 or 2 or Disable

Selects the com port to be used by the infra-red port. Disable will disable the infra-red port. Note that only com1 and com2 can be chosen.

SErial 1 or 2 or Disable

Selects the com port to be used by the serial port on the port replicator. Disable will disable the serial port. Note that only com1 and com2 can be chosen.

IMODEM 1 or 2 or Disable

Selects the com port to be used by the internal modem. Disable will disable the internal modem. Note that only com1 and com2 can be chosen.

PMODEM 1 or 2 or Disable

Selects the com port to be used by the PCMCIA modem. Disable will disable the PCMCIA modem - this applies to the special BIOS tricks used to directly access PCMCIA devices - the PCMCIA modem will still be accessible provided PCMCIA device drivers are loaded. Note that only com1 and com2 can be chosen.

OFF none

Puts the PC110 into standby mode.

CLick ON or OFf

Enables or disables the keyboard click sound made whenever any key is pressed.

_@??? none

Displays the syntax for advanced PS2 commands.

For a list and descriptions of the advanced list of PS2 commands, please click through to Dans PS2 page at

apj home > technology > IBM PC110 > PS2 command.
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